13 June 2005

Who decides?

Reading Ballmer's brave "New World of Work" made me think about who it is that decides what software is going to be like in the future? What is the process, both the implicit and the explicit one? Because software is a business and companies produce software products, one would think it should be the market forces that decides. However market forces deals with supply and demand, and I am not so sure that works the same way for software as it does for other product types. First, the production cost for software lies almost completely in the development of the software, as the production and disstribution costs are virtually nil. Second, the demand side is hard to define. For software the demand should be users telling the software industry what they want and then the industry develops it (if there is a business case), but most of the time the users don't know what they want! So what happens? Well, as we can read from Mr. Ballmer's opinion specifically and Microsoft in general is, that we decide what the furture is and what products we are going to develop and sell to you. And if you don't like it go somewhere else...WHAT there is nowhere else to go...though!!

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